Affiliate Disclosure

At Furniture Optimal, we may feature affiliate links within our blog content, blog comments, and other web sites. When you click on these links, we may receive a commission from the merchant or other third-party site. This is called an affiliate link.

Affiliate links are a way for us to earn money from our content, blog comments, and other web sites. We may receive a commission when you click on the link, purchase an item, or take an action on a merchant or third-party site after clicking on the affiliate link. The commission we earn is a small percentage of the purchase price.

We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of any other web sites. All affiliates must abide by our privacy policy. We may change or discontinue our affiliate links at any time.

We may also include affiliate links in our blog comments. If you click on a link in a blog comment and make a purchase, we may receive a commission. The affiliate links in our blog comments are clearly marked as such.

We want to be open and transparent about our affiliate links. We want our readers to know that we may earn money from our blog content and blog comments.